Do YOU Have What it Takes?
​To all runners and Survivor enthusiasts, the concept of the famous "Last Man Standing Race" is making its way to Minnesota!
This unique event is a fun-filled tailgate style running event that the whole family can enjoy at the fabulous Vadnais Heights Community Park.
Beginning at 12pm, you'll run our 4"ish" mile loop at the top of EACH HOUR until you can no longer run. The last male and last female running will earn the title of Sole Survivor! It could take 3 hours, and it could take 18 hours! No matter how long. . .we will be there cheering the runners on and offering plenty of Survivor-themed challenges for the whole family. And with the full moon lighting up the night sky, it will be a stunning night to show us what you're made of!
This race will be one for the books, and it's an event that you must add to your 2025 race bucket list!! We will have music, photos, games, challenges, food, beverages, and so much more!!

Our event kicks off at 12:00 PM on Saturday August 9th. Racers will have 1 hour to complete the 4.2 mile loop. If you return in under an hour you are eligible to line up for the start of the next lap at 1:00 PM. You must be at the start line when the race director counts down the start of the next lap. This format will continue and laps will start at the top of each hour until only one male and one female participant are able to complete a lap. If all remaining participants fail to complete the lap in under 1 hour, the event is over and we will not have a winner.
Race organizers will provide a large tent with water and some snack food. There will also be food for sale in the afternoon and evening on Saturday. Racers are responsible for their own, additional nutrition.
For this particular race, we have a strict NO DOGS policy. We love our dogs as much as you love yours. Please leave your dogs at home for this event. If you bring a dog to the event, you will be asked to leave and will be disqualified from the event.
August 9 | Saturday
10:30- 11:30 am- Runner check-in and bib pick up
11:45 am- Runner information meeting
12:00 pm- Race officially starts (No late starts will be accepted)
August 10 | Sunday
Race continues
*The event is open-ended and will continue until one male and one female participant remain.
DNF (DID NOT FINISH) Prize: Most races you do not get anything for finishing as a DNF. In this race however the DNF is a trophy in of itself. It means that you tried your hardest and tested your limits. Every runner will receive a DNF medal. The winners of the race will receive a fantastic finisher award.
The Location
Vadnais Heights Community Park
641 County Rd F E, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127
Thanks to our sponsors!

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